Sunday, April 29, 2012

More adventures in Texas, and Photos!

Below is the next email I sent out to friends and family updating them on the life journey God has us on. I'll try to include pictures that were sent with the email at the end of this post. I am really enjoying rereading these posts and 'reliving' some of the interesting things that have taken place since we've arrived here. I'll be caught up soon with these updates and being posting some of the more recent activity here on the 'ranch/farm whatever you call it'. The couple I mention below is Tom and Debbi Cutrell and are so very precious to us. As it turns out they live one street away from us and we can see each others properties from our homes. They help make our adjustment to Paris so pleasant and we really love them! The two couples they had to dinner that week are Tony & Kathy Corso and Dave & Norma Dillon. Both of these couples hold very special places in our heart and we continue to enjoy fellowship with them regularly. God's people are EVERYWHERE and we are thankful for those He brings into our lives. Read on.....

Hi all - 
It's been a few weeks since I've sent an email letting you know what's going on with us in Powderly Texas, so here you go. I've attached some photos too. 

In previous emails I've sent photos of Josh&  Noah fishing in the pond....well finally Scott was able to fish and I've included a photo of his first catch. He doesn't really enjoy it or have the patience for it, but humored me none the less. 

Scott and Josh rode in the Tour de Paris bike race last month, and here if a pic of Josh before the race. I think they rode 37 miles this time, since the Tour de Rock last year 100 mile took a lot out of them. 

A few weeks ago a couple that lives a street past ours came over and asked if they could put their 2 horses on our pasture for a few weeks. Apparently the prior owners of the property allowed them to do this. Ronnie and Beverly take care of them each day, riding over here on their four-wheeler to feed them and check on them. One is a 'paint' and one is white. Scott and I took a few apples out to the pasture yesterday to feed them. They walked up to our fence and ate them from Scott's hand. I tried with the white one and did okay, but am a little timid around them. We were looking into having the pasture cut, but with the horses eating the grass and the lack of rain we have been able to put that off for a while. I've included some photos of Scott feeding the 'paint'. We had an egret and a heron spending time in our pond until the horses showed up....but haven't seen them since. 

Recently we were at the 'farm and ranch' store.....apparently a place we will be frequenting (Let me know if you think this is out of my element or what?) We were shopping for something to help control the moss in the pond. Scott picked up a flier for an auction in Hugo Oklahoma. The following Saturday he went to the auction....called me on the way home excited about his purchases. Since he didn't have the trailer we had to go back the next day to pick up his goodies! He bought a fire box (small wood burning stove), some fence posts and a......get this.....a go cart. Apparently the go cart was supposed to be in working order, as it started up when he was there. He told me about what a good deal he got on it, excited that we could share it with the boys and others who come to visit. (I've attached a picture of Scott in the go cart before it whipped him into shape!) 

When we got it home he began to work on it and get it in good running order. Suffice it to say it got the best of him. After trying several ways to get the accelerator to work properly it went around in circles with him holding on and he ended up on the ground. Needless to say it is in a ATV shop getting the much needed work done to it. (Scott on go-cart....Scott laying on ground next to go-cart after 'incident')

Scott's mom and her husband, Dan and Sue, made a trip to see us a couple of weeks ago. They were a tremendous help getting some much needed landscaping work done and helping with some other honey-dos. We are thankful they took the time to come and see us and help us with these tasks. We so enjoyed their visit. 

We visited the Cowboy Church several weeks was really nice. The second church we visited was Calvary Chapel. We really like it and have been 2 weeks in a row, Sunday mornings and for Bible Study Sunday evenings. A precious couple introduced themselves to us the first Sunday evening and come to find out they live on the street before ours. He is a pediatrician in Paris. They asked us to their home for dinner last Saturday along with 2 other couples they wanted to introduce us to. It ended up being quite encouraging and such a blessing. We got along beautifully with the couples and so enjoyed the time we spent with them. We are going to visit a small group tomorrow night. Looks like we've found a church home! Yea! 

Last week Noah turned 19. I went to Fayetteville to visit Josh and Noah and was able to stay with Betsy and her family while I was there. I'm thankful that they open their home to us when we go to NW Arkansas.  Scott came up on Friday and we all went out to lunch to celebrate Noah's birthday. Scott was able to help Josh move into his house too. 

Still no pictures on the wall, but we are close to doing that. Found out from our next door neighbor that one of our trees in the back yard is a pecan tree. We have a pear tree behind the barn which is full of pears. 

Scott has ordered 15 chicks (3 roosters and 12 hens). They are due to arrive when he returns from a trip next week. He has been working on a place to put them as they get old enough for a regular coop. Not up my alley, but I'm sure I will enjoy the fresh eggs.....the actual chickens, NOT SO MUCH! I'll send photos my next update so that you can see his project.

Okay, get ready....Next post? CHICKENS! You won't want to miss reading and seeing the amazing adventure we have gone through....and continue to go through, with our CHICKENS! Love to you all! M

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