Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No pics, but progress nonetheless

Visited with therapist today. During the last 2 years so much has happened and my visits with here help me put much into perspective. I will post some Senior Photos of Prince 2 soon. I realized that I go days at a time now without crying. I still miss my parents so much, but The Queen's Therapist helped remind me that there is more coming. (Yea thanks, right?) The unconditional love I had from my parents is gone, Prince 1 is grown up and 'gone', and Prince 2 is preparing to leave the nest I have so painstakingly built for him. Where in the world would I be without the King? He is on the couch now. Came home from work and didn't even change his clothes. Laid down and within minutes he was sound asleep. I put a blanket over him, took his glasses off and thanked our CREATOR for blessing me with such a man. She talks of Prince 2 leaving as a freight train heading my way and I need to be prepared for it. Let me remind you....I have always been the one to laugh and say "Empty Next, what? We'll never have that problem" I've laughed at those who seem to struggle with dealing with this tragedy.....and for that I apologize. When I think that within a year my nest will be empty, the one I never saw the bottom of, that I complained about, hoped for, tended to and loved so much, yeah, that one. Ouch! It hurts. One thing I know for sure is God will never leave me, He is the glue that holds this couple together now and when the nest is empty. God has this wonderful way of allowing me to weave my sad old stories into funny ones in order to build others up and encourage them through similar trials. I'll leave you with this visual she gave me.....I see the fright train coming, I hear it coming and feel helpless....but I'm NOT! God gives me the power that I need to lift my tracks up and over from that freight train's direction into His safe arms of peace. Yeah, WOW!

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