Wednesday, February 07, 2007

About 10 days now

Well, it's been just about 10 days now since our family grew. Things are going well....and helping Mom and Dad is much easier now that we just have to go through a door. Daddy is struggling a little with remembering and familiarizing himself with the new 'pad' but is doing okay. He has fallen several times but seems no worse for the wear. (Wherever that saying came from??) Mom fell in the yard yesterday getting into the car to go to a movie. She banged up her head a little but no bones broken. We saw AMAZING GRACE at a screening last night. It was FABULOUS! I encourage anyone and everyone to go see it and take your family and friends. It is PG and is the story of William Wilburforce, a member of Parliment in England in the 1700s. He fought for years and years to abolish the slave trade. His friend John Newton wrote Amazing Grace and their relationship is highlighted in the film as well. It starts in theaters on February 23rd. You won't be sorry.

Prince 1 had a little accident in the ice last week. He slid into the curb, bending the rim on the back right. Car in shop for repairs, forcing us to share cars....which we don't do well. Hopefully it will be on the mend today and ready for him to drive again. Thankfully he wasn't hurt and no other car was involved. YaHoo!

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